Poker host

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Trapping An Aggressive Player

The modern school of poker tells you that playing aggressively is the best way to tackle the moves in poker and earn a good profit. However, a fact that most of the new comers miss here is that only with a ‘well-timed aggression’ can they make a profitable game. Therefore by playing in the same manner, they are only making themselves vulnerable and getting set up, which in turn makes them lose all their money.

Every player some time has come across an aggressive player who raises at each hand and attempts to rob the blinds each time they come his way. The poker player keeps on picking up pots, as the other players are aware that if they remain in the hand their total stack will be in trouble. However, it is not as bad as it sounds because if you can manage to tackle such a player, you can easily turn his aggression against him and push him into making a raise, knowing full well that you have a winning hand.

But if you are allowing him to steal your blinds each time round, you are only helping him get one over you. You must know that he cannot by any chance have a winning hand at every round. With big blinds, you know what will follow, so you have to keep your ground and compel him to draw back so that you can see the hands when on the blinds. To accomplish this situation, wait for an adequate hand and push back. Be absolutely sure that you have a good hand so that you are able to come over him on a huge re-raise as you know he is certainly going to come back at you a few times to see if you really have a strong hand. Once you have caught him bluffing a few times, he will remember to back off on your blinds.

Another example is of a situation where you are playing for the pot and the aggressive player decides to come forth with a continuation bet. You project yourself as a feeble player to him by continuously folding to his raises. This is precisely what you want him to believe while you silently make a certain move that gets his total chip stack to your side. As soon as you gain the flop that offers you the monster, the aggressor is all set to go down.

Supposing you flop a set, flush or straight while contesting this highly aggressive player, you can let this go to him, as you know very well he will make a continuation bet every time he raises. If you have been folding to him constantly, he is sure to assume that you will fold the moment he makes a following bet. Allow him to make his wager and in place of pushing your stack in and letting go of your hand, merely make a small raise.

The move is the same as the playground push. You paid him back for pushing you as soon as you had enough to do so. However, he considers himself a superior player and will make another push at you, which is what you desire because the instant he comes back on top, you will push in every chip in your stack to the center of the table. Regardless of the fact that he makes a call or not, you have a monster income from the hand. Another thing that you achieve here is that if the player is a new comer, you certainly have given him a shake.

He is a player, who has not been outdoing the others; instead he has been taking them for a ride. To him, he is as good as an expert but at this moment, another player has beaten him to his game. At this point you can begin to see the cash rolling in because the aggressive player will try anything to obtain his money back from you. As long as it does not affect you, using the tilt would be a feasible option. Lay the trap for him and then pin him down. It may be that after all this heated game play you are totally exhausted, but it hardly matters, after all you get to take home all the winnings of the session.

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